The story follows this girl, Kaminashi Nozomi, who pursues her dreams of being a keijo player. Keijo is a new sport in Japan similar to horse races in that it is a gambling sport. Girls have to push each other off of a floating island called a 'land' without using their arms or legs, or any other part of their body except their boobs or their butt. Along the way Nozomin's friendly attitude and competitive spirit earns her strong friendships and rivalries with the other girls with dreams like hers.
So far there are 92 chapters and it is ongoing and supposedly the anime will air in October of this year. It's sure to be a very exciting and enticing one! The fan service is everywhere everywhere, but the characters are just as engaging. Some may seem very simple and stereotypical, but that really is their charm.
Those who have not read it before, caption this screenshot in the comments!