Genre: Demons, Fantasy, Seinen, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Fun Fact: I didn't know what seinen meant, so I googled it and apparently it's anime/manga that is aimed towards audiences of 18-30 y/o males. Of those two things, I am not. But, I really enjoyed this anime a lot! I know it's not an actual requirement to be 18-30 and a male, but I just wanted to compare to the new definition I discovered.
Anyway, so in this world, there are monster spirits called 'youmu' and Spirit World Warriors who fight the youmu. There is a boy, Akihito Kanbara, who is a rare immortal half-youmu and half-human 'meganest'!
And his kouhai who wears glasses, Mirai Kuriyama, who is a Spirit World Warrior.
(above art is made by this
Episode 6 is a really great episode! I mention it because I felt like it derailed from the original story line, but it totally fit in with the characters' development and them creating bonds together. It was hilarious! Ah, so funny.
Ah, but then the last three episodes were just so much. I was crying straight through them all! I was positively bawling - the whole hiccupy, gasping and sobbing, tears-blurring-my-vision-so-I-couldn't-even-read-the-subtitles scene. It was bad. But it was so good. I cannot even.
That's all for now, I guess! bye ^. . ^ ~
(All pictures and gifs not specifically credited
are credited to the internet.
Thank you internet.)