(photo credits to the internet and to Sentai Filmworks)
Genre: Shoujo, Romance, Drama, Comedy, School LifeOne day, 6 year old Hikari Hanazono is introduced to Kei Takishima via their wrestling loving fathers. Confident in her skills, Hikari challenges Kei to a match, but is utterly defeated. Ever since then, she has devoted herself into trying to beat him at anything and everything: grades, go-carts, eating, tobibako, etc. She's followed him from grade school into high school (?) in a constant effort to one up him. The school they attend it super elite and the two are members of a group called the Special A, for they are the top seven at the top of the class (or the school, I don't remember.) The group has a very Ouran High School Host Club feel. It just reminded me of OHSHC because they're just a group of good looking people who are having fun. This anime totally made me laugh every episode, but then again, I was in 6th grade. With the sense of humor of a 6th grader. So.
The romance and drama part of this anime's genres consists of Hikari seeing Kei as a rival, yet Kei is in love with her! Of course, she is too dense to notice, but SPOILERS!!! Anyway, it's funny because after every competition, a stone 2nd place symbol falls on her head. I personally think that's the reason she's unable to see Kei's love for her. Hahaha!
This is also a manga, which I haven't read...yet. I read a post earlier about how it (as a manga) wasn't that great, but the anime was...and I have to wonder if I were to re-watch it, would I still say the same things I am now? Also, would I dislike the manga? Only one way to find out! Time to hit the manga reader app >u< bye!